Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Kingdoms of Life

"Wisdom reaches mightily from one end of the earth to the other, and she orders all things well."  (Wisdom of Solomon 8:1)
God is ordered, and His Creation reflects this order.  Man has always sought to understand this order, and one of the ways we understand it is to classify it.  In seeking to find some order in the living world, scientists looked to classify all living things into KINGDOMS.  When man first began to classify living things, only two Kingdoms were used - PLANTS and ANIMALS.  (** HISTORY NOTE ** Aristotle classified animal species, Carol Linnaeus is responsible for our modern nomenclature, and classified living things into two kingdoms - plant and animal)

Read Chapter 4 in Biology: Inquiry Into Life as a background, recognizing that at the time of this writing (1961) scientists recognized only two kingdoms, plant and animal.

As man began to understand living things with more detail, further nuances and distinctions began to be understood, and thus the need for more Kingdoms became apparent so that living things could be more accurately classified.  There are now SIX KINGDOMS:


Explore the Kingdoms of Life:
After exploring the Kingdoms of Life, please print this chart and research the named organisms in order to classify them.

Overview of the Year - TERM 1

Term 1
10 weeks

*********************************** WEEK 1 ***********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 1 - 8

Biology: Inquiry Into Life
Chapter 1 - How the science of life concerns you

The Microscope and How To Use It by Dr. George Stehl - week 1 - 5
Summer World by Bernd Heinrich - week 1 - 5

 ********************************** WEEK 2 **********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 9 - 16

Biology: Inquiry Into Life
Chapter 2 - How the scientific method establishes scientific laws
Review Questions 1, 2, 5


The Microscope and How To Use It by Dr. George Stehl - week 1 - 5
Summer World by Bernd Heinrich - week 1 - 5

*********************************** WEEK 3 ***********************************
 The Way Life Works - p. 17 - 24

Biology: Inquiry Into Life
Chapter 3 - How you differ from a rock
Review Questions 7, 10

Periodic Table of Elements in Video - view all elements, check off elements using a printable Periodic Table as you view them.

 The Microscope and How To Use It by Dr. George Stehl - week 1 - 5
 Summer World by Bernd Heinrich - week 1 - 5

*********************************** WEEK 4 ***********************************

The Way Life Works - p. 25 -32

Biology: Inquiry Into Life

Interlude: The beginning of life - chance or creation

The Microscope and How To Use It by Dr. George Stehl - week 1 - 5
Summer World by Bernd Heinrich - week 1 - 5

*********************************** WEEK 5 ***********************************
Complete - The Way Life Works - p. 33 - 40

Complete - Biology: Inquiry Into Life
Chapter 4 - The emergence of life in time 

The Kingdoms of Life post 

IN PROGRESS - Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif - week 6 - 10
IN PROGRESS - The Curious Naturalist by Sy Montgomery - week 6 - 10

*********************************** WEEK 6 ***********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 41 - 48
Biology: Inquiry Into Life
Chapter 5 - The physical basis of life

CELLS - see sidebar

LABS - see sidebar:
Virtual cells
Mitosis/Cell reproduction

Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif - week 6 - 10
The Curious Naturalist by Sy Montgomery - week 6 - 10

*********************************** WEEK 7 ***********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 49 - 56

Biology: Inquiry Into Life
Chapter 6 - The differences between plants and animals

Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif - week 6 - 10
The Curious Naturalist by Sy Montgomery - week 6 - 10

*********************************** WEEK 8 ***********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 57 - 64
LABS FROM THE TEXT Biology: Inquiry Into Life (p. 64 - 66)
2 - Biology in the news digital scrapbook
3 - Photosynthesis (see lab sidebar)
13 - Raising microscopic plants

Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif - week 6 - 10
The Curious Naturalist by Sy Montgomery - week 6 - 10

 ********************************** WEEK 9 **********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 65 - 74

Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif - week 6 - 10
The Curious Naturalist by Sy Montgomery - week 6 - 10

********************************** WEEK 10 **********************************
LABS - see sidebar

Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif - week 6 - 10
The Curious Naturalist by Sy Montgomery - week 6 - 10

Special Note regarding *Biology: Inquiry Into Life* for this year

Biology: Inquiry Into Life by Clare Taschdjian and Fr. J. Bernard Hubbert

Special Note: This text is copyright 1961. It was an excellent Catholic text written with a passion for the subject and contains many excellent lab ideas for Biology so we're going to make use of it as a supplement. Recognize that the understanding of science has advanced tremendously in years since its publish date. We'll use this text as a supplement, incorporating viewpoints that allow for a Catholic perspective of Biology and (L)life.

The Beginning of Anything...

...starts somewhere.  This is just the beginning of this blog, and what I hope will be an exciting and fascinating study of Biology for us this year.  I'll add assignments and lab notes here, and perhaps just post some questions for you to consider. 

This blog is for us to make use of since I have collected a number of resources from around the web.  Our Kingdoms of Life study will be built almost entirely from web resources since I couldn't find a book that was adequate for what I wanted to convey.

So...look around, click we get ready to begin.