Term 1
10 weeks
*********************************** WEEK 1 ***********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 1 - 8
Biology: Inquiry Into Life
Chapter 1 - How the science of life concerns you
The Microscope and How To Use It by Dr. George Stehl - week 1 - 5
Summer World by Bernd Heinrich - week 1 - 5
********************************** WEEK 2 **********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 9 - 16
Biology: Inquiry Into Life
Chapter 2 - How the scientific method establishes scientific laws
Review Questions 1, 2, 5
The Microscope and How To Use It by Dr. George Stehl - week 1 - 5
Summer World by Bernd Heinrich - week 1 - 5
*********************************** WEEK 3 ***********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 17 - 24
Biology: Inquiry Into Life
Chapter 3 - How you differ from a rock
Review Questions 7, 10
Periodic Table of Elements in Video - view all elements, check off elements using a printable Periodic Table as you view them.
The Microscope and How To Use It by Dr. George Stehl - week 1 - 5
Summer World by Bernd Heinrich - week 1 - 5
*********************************** WEEK 4 ***********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 25 -32
Biology: Inquiry Into Life
Interlude: The beginning of life - chance or creation
The Microscope and How To Use It by Dr. George Stehl - week 1 - 5
Summer World by Bernd Heinrich - week 1 - 5
*********************************** WEEK 5 ***********************************
Complete - The Way Life Works - p. 33 - 40
Complete - Biology: Inquiry Into Life
Chapter 4 - The emergence of life in time
The Kingdoms of Life post
IN PROGRESS - Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif - week 6 - 10
IN PROGRESS - The Curious Naturalist by Sy Montgomery - week 6 - 10
WEEK 6 ***********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 41 - 48
Biology: Inquiry Into Life
Chapter 5 - The physical basis of life
CELLS - see sidebar
LABS - see sidebar:
Virtual cells
Mitosis/Cell reproduction
Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif - week 6 - 10
The Curious Naturalist by Sy Montgomery - week 6 - 10
*********************************** WEEK 7 ***********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 49 - 56
Biology: Inquiry Into Life
Chapter 6 - The differences between plants and animals
Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif - week 6 - 10
The Curious Naturalist by Sy Montgomery - week 6 - 10
*********************************** WEEK 8 ***********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 57 - 64
LABS FROM THE TEXT Biology: Inquiry Into Life (p. 64 - 66)
2 - Biology in the news digital scrapbook
3 - Photosynthesis (see lab sidebar)
13 - Raising microscopic plants
Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif - week 6 - 10
The Curious Naturalist by Sy Montgomery - week 6 - 10
********************************** WEEK 9 **********************************
The Way Life Works - p. 65 - 74
Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif - week 6 - 10
The Curious Naturalist by Sy Montgomery - week 6 - 10
WEEK 10 **********************************
LABS - see sidebar
Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif - week 6 - 10
The Curious Naturalist by Sy Montgomery - week 6 - 10